Southern Coin-Op presents Pinball in Pelham 2, November 19th 2016. We’re following up our first tourney with a very similar format. The entry fee is $30. Practice will be available from 8:30-10:00 am. Tourney begins promptly at 10:15am. Format is group match-play with IFPA scoring. Machines will be arranged into banks of three games, with each bank consisting of a DMD, Solid State, and EM. Each player will play six rounds for a total of eighteen games. There are no finals, just highest point total wins!
Details! Seeding in the first round is random. All rounds after that the seeding is based on Swiss pairing, meaning players will be paired with players who have similar points totals. Banks will be assigned using the balanced method, meaning every effort is made to put you on a different bank each round. Tie breaking will be automatic by the software based on your number of wins and second places. However, any ties in the top six positions will be broken by playing a single game chosen at random. Prizes will be awarded to the top six finishing positions of 38%, 28%, 15%, 8%, 6%, 5%. There will also be door prizes and another pinball machine will be raffled off! There will not be any food provided but we will take a one hour lunch break after the first or second round. So pack a lunch or go to one of the many places to eat within 5 minutes of Southern Coin-Op. The address for Southern Coin-Op is 108-A Hilltop Business Center Drive, Pelham, Alabama 35124.
Many (but not all) of the same games from our first tourney will be there, plus some notable new additions which will be announced soon. If anyone would like to volunteer a pin for the tourney please contact Mike Gray at or 205-563-3784.